
A geo-gender-based analysis of human health: The presence of cut flower farms can attenuate pesticide exposure in African communities, with women being the most vulnerable

The rapid growth of the cut flower industry in Africa has led to extensive pesticide use, raising concerns about its effects on local communities. It remains unclear whether the associated risks are confined to areas near flower farms or have broader implications.
We assessed both actual and perceived pesticide exposure in two Kenyan communities: Naivasha, where the cut flower industry operates, and Mogotio, where it does not. Actual exposure was measured through acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition levels, while perceived exposure was evaluated using hair cortisol levels, a biomarker of stress. A demographic survey captured participants’ health and socioeconomic data, along with their perceptions of pesticide risks related to the cut flower industry.
Perceived pesticide exposure was significantly higher in Naivasha (56%, n = 36) than in Mogotio (0%). However, Mogotio residents exhibited higher mean hair cortisol levels (mean = 790 ng/g, SD = 233) and AChE inhibition (mean = 28.5%, SD = 7.3) compared to Naivasha residents, whose mean hair cortisol levels and AChE inhibition were 548 ng/g (SD = 187) and 14.5% (SD = 10.1), respectively. Proximity to cut flower farms and gender were significant factors influencing SD-208 exposure. Surprisingly, individuals living farther from flower farms faced greater pesticide-related risks. Women across both communities showed higher mean hair cortisol levels (646 ng/g, SD = 267.4) and AChE inhibition (22.5%, SD = 12.4) compared to men (hair cortisol: 558.2 ng/g, SD = 208.2; AChE inhibition: 10.4%, SD = 13.1).
Awareness of pesticide risks within cut flower industrial complexes may have contributed to reduced exposure among workers and nearby residents. In contrast, communities farther from these complexes experienced higher pesticide exposure, likely due to lower awareness and inadequate protective measures. Women were consistently the most vulnerable group, likely reflecting their socioeconomic roles. Monitoring pesticide exposure in women is essential for early detection of community-wide risks and for designing targeted interventions.