
Nafamostat Mesylate is Not Effective in Preventing Post‑Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography Pancreatitis

Takaaki Matsumoto1,2 · Kosuke Okuwaki1 · Hiroshi Imaizumi1 · Mitsuhiro Kida1 · Tomohisa Iwai1 ·
Hiroshi Yamauchi1 · Toru Kaneko1 · Rikiya Hasegawa1 · Hironori Masutani1 · Masayoshi Tadehara1 · Kai Adachi1 · Masafumi Watanabe1 · Takahiro Kurosu1 · Akihiro Tamaki1 · Hidehiko Kikuchi3 · Takashi Ohno2 · Wasaburo Koizumi1

Received: 24 September 2020 / Accepted: 10 December 2020
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC part of Springer Nature 2021


Background Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is associated with complications such as post-ERCP pancreatitis (PEP). Protease inhibitors, including nafamostat mesylate (NM), have been evaluated for prophylaxis against PEP. Aim We describe the first multicenter randomized controlled trial assessing the prophylactic efficacy of NM against PEP. Methods In this multicenter prospective study, we aimed to enroll 800 patients aged ≥ 20 years with a planned ERCP between December 2012 and March 2019. The primary outcome was the incidence and severity of PEP in patients who did not receive NM (non-NM) versus those who did (NM; 20 mg). Secondary outcomes included the incidence of PEP by NM initiation (pre- and post-ERCP), risk factors for PEP, and NM-related adverse events.

Results Only 441 of the planned 800 patients were enrolled (non-NM: n = 149; NM: n = 292 [pre-ERCP NM: n = 144; post-ERCP NM: n = 148]). Patient characteristics were balanced at baseline with no significant differences between groups. PEP occurred in 40/441 (9%) patients (non-NM: n = 15 [10%]; NM: n = 25 [9%]), including 17 (12%) and eight (8%) in the pre-ERCP and post-ERCP NM groups, respectively. In the NM group, the incidence of PEP was lower in the low-risk group than in the high-risk group. Pancreatic injection and double-guidewire technique were independent risk factors for PEP. NM-related adverse events of hyperkalemia occurred in two (0.7%) patients.

Conclusions We found no evidence for the prophylactic effect of NM against PEP, regardless of the timing of administration;
however, further studies are needed.

Keywords : Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography · Pancreas · Pancreatitis · Protease inhibitor


Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is an important technique that has been performed clinically since 1969, and it is currently used throughout the world to investigate and treat pancreaticobiliary diseases. Complica- tions of ERCP include pancreatitis, bleeding, cholangitis, cholecystitis, and perforation. Of these complications, post- ERCP pancreatitis (PEP) is the most frequent, with a global incidence of 2–15% [1–3].

Protease inhibitors have the potential to prevent PEP by inhibiting the conversion of trypsinogen to trypsin in pan- creatic acinar cells and preventing subsequent inflammation.

Various protease inhibitors, such as gabexate mesylate, nafamostat mesylate, and ulinastatin, have been evaluated clinically for their utility in preventing PEP, with various outcomes reported [4–13]. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have shown that the protease inhibitor nafamostat mesylate (FUT-175: 6-amidino-2-naphthyl p-guanidino- benzoate di-methane-sulfonate; NM) has efficacy when used prophylactically against PEP [8, 10, 11]. However, the RCTs showing that NM is effective for the prevention of PEP were performed at a single center, and a consensus on the efficacy of NM for the prevention of PEP is lacking.

To our knowledge, the efficacy of NM is yet to be evalu- ated simultaneously across multiple centers. In this study, we describe the first multicenter RCT to assess the prophy- lactic efficacy of NM against PEP. This study also evaluated the incidence of PEP in patients who began NM treatment compared with that in patients who did not. Furthermore, the efficacy of NM was evaluated in patients stratified into low- and high-risk groups.

Trial Design

This was a multicenter prospective RCT. All patients pro- vided written informed consent for participation in the study, which was approved by the Kitasato University Institutional Review Board based on its ethical, scientific, and medical validity (NO. C12-737). The study is registered at http:// (UMIN000009027).


All patients who underwent ERCP at Kitasato University Hospital, Kitasato University East Hospital, Isehara Kyodo Hospital, and Hiratsuka Kyosai Hospital for the diagno- sis and/or treatment of pancreaticobiliary disease between December 2012 and March 2019 were recruited. Patients aged ≥ 20 years who had a planned ERCP with hospitali- zation were included. Patients were excluded if they were pregnant; had acute pancreatitis, severe cardiopulmonary disease, or a duodenal obstruction; were not naïve for major duodenal papilla (for example, post-endoscopic papillec- tomy, post-endoscopic sphincterotomy, or post-endoscopic papillary balloon dilatation); had a history of Billroth-II and total gastrectomy, allergy to iodine-based contrast agents or NM, or serious mental disorder; had received a protease inhibitor within the prior week; or were deemed unsuitable for the study by an investigator for any other reason.


Patients administered NM before ERCP (pre-ERCP NM group) received 20 mg of the study drug dissolved in 500 mL of 5% glucose by intravenous drip infusion over 6 h, com- mencing 0.5–2.0 h before ERCP (and continuing throughout the ERCP procedure). Patients who received NM after ERCP (post-ERCP NM group) were administered the same dose by intravenous drip infusion over 6 h commencing within 1 h after ERCP. Patients in the non-NM group were admin- istered 500 mL of 5% glucose by intravenous drip infusion over a period of 6 h commencing 0.5–2.0 h before ERCP. Patients who did not receive NM in accordance with the methods described above were excluded from the analysis. Patients abstained from food beginning from the morn- ing of the procedure, and fluid replacement was provided as appropriate, starting before surgery. ERCP was performed with the patient under sedation (pethidine 50 mg and midazolam 3–10 mg). Scopolamine butylbromide and glucagon were administered as required to inhibit gastro- intestinal peristalsis. The first endoscopist to perform the ERCP was selected by an experienced endoscopist; those with ≤ 6 years of experience performing ERCPs were classi- fied as inexperienced, and those with ≥ 7 years of experience were classified as experienced. Notably, each experienced endoscopist had completed over 300 ERCP procedures. When the first endoscopist was inexperienced and unable to achieve successful cannulation within 10 min or after 5–10 attempts, an experienced endoscopist then completed the procedure. JF-260 V and TJF-260 V (Olympus Medical Sys- tems, Tokyo, Japan) duodenoscopes were used for ERCP. A conventional ERCP catheter (PR-4Q-1; Olympus Medical Systems; and S01-20-70-1; MTW Endoskopie Manufaktur, Wesel, Germany) or a papillotomy knife (Clever Cut 3 V; Olympus Medical Systems) was used to cannulate the bile duct and/or pancreatic duct and inject contrast media. The initial decision between wire-loaded and wire-guided can- nulation was made by the experienced endoscopist. Either a 0.025- (G-240-2545A, VisiGlide1, VisiGlide2; Olympus Medical Systems) or 0.035-inch disposable guidewire (RF- GA35403, Radifocus; Terumo Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) was used. If cannulation was difficult with a guidewire, then the double-guidewire technique was used, or precutting was performed with a needle knife (Single Use 3-Lumen Nee- dle Knife V; Olympus Medical Systems). The experienced endoscopist decided whether to insert a pancreatic duct stent to prevent pancreatitis. Patients who received a pan- creatic duct stent during ERCP to prevent pancreatitis and those who were observed during ERCP without any devices contacting the duodenal papilla were excluded from the analysis. The presence of subjective and objective symp- toms was assessed by the attending physician, and blood biochemical tests were performed 3 h after ERCP and the following morning. If necessary, imaging examinations were performed to evaluate potential symptoms of PEP and inci- dental symptoms related to ERCP. Appropriate treatment was initiated immediately following a diagnosis of PEP.


The primary outcome was the incidence and severity of PEP in patients who were not administered NM (non-NM group) compared with those who were administered NM (NM group). The secondary outcomes were PEP incidence according to the timing of NM initiation (before or after ERCP), determination of risk factors for PEP, and adverse events related to NM.

The following variables were recorded before ERCP: patient characteristics; medical history of previous pancrea- titis (including PEP); medical history of suspected sphincter of Oddi dysfunction (SOD); purpose of ERCP (diagnosis or treatment); target duct (bile duct and/or pancreatic duct whether the pancreatic duct was cannulated intentionally or inadvertently); and general blood tests.

The following variables were evaluated after ERCP: expe- rience of the endoscopist (experienced endoscopist or inex- perienced endoscopist); number of attempts to cannulate the duodenal papilla (≤ 4 or ≥ 5); pancreatic injection; method of successful cannulation; rate of successful target duct can- nulation; treatment of duodenal papilla (endoscopic sphinc- terotomy, endoscopic pancreatic sphincterotomy, endoscopic papillary balloon dilation); intraductal ultrasound; general blood tests; and adverse events during hospitalization.

PEP was diagnosed when new-onset abdominal pain or abdominal pain with increased intensity lasted for more than 24 h and was associated with increased serum amylase and lipase levels (at least three times higher than the normal limit) approximately 24 h after the procedure. Severity was graded based on Cotton’s criteria [14] and considered mild when hospitalization lasted for 2–3 days; moderate when hospitalization lasted for 4–10 days; and severe when hos- pitalization lasted for more than 10 days or when any of the following occurred: hemorrhagic pancreatitis; pancreatic necrosis; pancreatic pseudocyst; or the need for percutane- ous and/or endoscopic drainage or surgery. Difficult can- nulation was defined as more than five attempts, including failure of cannulation. Based on the European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) Guideline [15], patients with at least one of the following risk factors were classified as high risk: previous pancreatitis; previous PEP; suspected SOD; female sex; difficult cannulation; pancreatic double- guidewire technique; and pancreatic injection. All other patients were classified as low risk.

Sample Size

Based on the previously reported incidence of PEP [8, 10, 11], we assumed a PEP incidence of 4% in the NM group and 10% in the non-NM group. With a statistical power of 80% and significance level (α) of 0.05, the required sample size was calculated to be 316 patients per group. Taking dropouts into account, a target sample size of 400 patients per group was chosen, i.e., 800 patients in total.


The study aimed to enroll a total of 800 patients: 400 patients in the NM group (pre-ERCP NM group, n = 200; post-ERCP NM group, n = 200) and 400 patients in the non- NM group. The patients were randomly assigned to the non- NM, pre-ERCP NM, or post-ERCP NM groups (2:1:1 ratio). Age (≤ 39 vs ≥ 40 years) and sex (male vs female) were used as adjustment factors at the time of random assignment to avoid extreme bias. The patients were randomized to one of the three groups by Kitasato Clinical Research Center, an independent third-party organization.

Statistical Methods

Statistical comparisons were performed using Fisher’s exact probability test and the Mann–Whitney U test for categorical variables. Risk factors for PEP were included in a logistic regression model for multivariate analysis of independent risk factors for PEP. Factors with p < 0.20 in the univariate analysis were further assessed using multivariate analysis. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS Statis- tics version 23.0 (IBM Japan, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan); p val- ues < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results A total of 481 patients were enrolled in the study, of whom 40 were excluded (Fig. 1), resulting in a final study popu- lation of 441 patients. Thus, we failed to enroll the target sample size. Of the 441 patients included in the analysis, 149 were randomized to the non-NM group and 292 to the NM group (pre-ERCP NM group: 144, post-ERCP NM group: 148). Patient characteristics are shown in Table 1. There were no significant differences in baseline patient characteristics such as sex, median age, history of previous pancreatitis, history of SOD, reason for ERCP (diagnosis or treatment), and target duct (bile duct and/or pancreatic duct) between the non-NM and NM groups. The most common indica- tion for diagnostic ERCP was for obtaining pancreatic juice cytology ± intraductal ultrasound (IDUS). The second most common indication was for obtaining bile juice cytology (or biopsy) ± IDUS. Only contrast injection into the pancreatic or biliary duct was performed in one case in the non-NM group, three cases in the pre-NM group, and two cases in the post-NM group. Among the patients who received NM, the pancreatic duct was included in 41 (28%) patients in the pre-ERCP NM group compared with 60 (41%) patients in the post-ERCP NM group. ERCP was performed for can- nulation of the pancreatic duct in a significantly greater number of patients in the post-ERCP NM group than in the pre-ERCP group (p = 0.04). Most indications for cannula- tion of the pancreatic duct were based on pancreatic juice cytology because of suspected pancreatic neoplasms, which occurred in 35 cases in the non-NM group, 31 cases in the pre-ERCP NM group, and 49 cases in the post-ERCP NM group. The other reason for cannulation of the pancreatic duct was pancreatic duct drainage because of chronic pan- creatitis, occurring in six cases in the non-NM group, three cases in the pre-ERCP NM group, and four cases in the post- ERCP NM group. Fig. 1 Patient enrollment and reasons for exclusion. ERCP endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, NM nafamostat mesylate, PEP post-ERCP pancreatitis The outcomes of ERCP are shown in Table 2. The first endoscopist was inexperienced for 105 patients (70%) in the non-NM group and 203 patients (70%) in the NM group. Five or more attempts were made to cannulate the duodenal papilla in 80 patients (54%) in the non-NM group compared with 131 patients (45%) in the NM group. Pancreatic duct injection was performed in 71 (48%) patients in the non-NM group and 166 (57%) patients in the NM group. The inad- vertent pancreatic injections occurred in 24 (16%) patients in the non-NM group and 65 (22%) patients in the NM group (40 patients in the pre-ERCP NM group and 25 patients in the post-ERCP NM group). In the non-NM group, cannula- tion was performed successfully using the wire-loaded or wire-guided technique in 116 patients (78%), the double- guidewire technique in 13 patients (9%), and precutting in nine patients (6%). In the NM group, cannulation was per- formed successfully using the wire-loaded or wire-guided technique in 237 patients (81%), the double-guidewire tech- nique in 32 patients (11%), and precutting in nine patients (3%). The rate of successful cannulation of the target duct was 93% in the non-NM group and 95% in the NM group; the duodenal papilla was treated in 86 patients (57%) in the non-NM group and 185 patients (63%) in the NM group. There was no statistically significant difference in the outcomes of ERCP between the groups. A further break- down of the NM group showed that the first endoscopist was inexperienced for 97 patients (67%) in the pre-ERCP NM group and 106 patients (72%) in the post-ERCP NM group. At least five attempts were made to cannulate the duodenal papilla in 60 patients (42%) in the pre-ERCP NM group compared with 71 patients (48%) in the post-ERCP NM group. Pancreatic duct injection was performed in 81 patients (56%) in the pre-ERCP NM group and 85 patients (57%) in the post-ERCP NM group. In the pre-ERCP NM group, cannulation using the wire-loaded or wire-guided technique in 115 patients (80%), the double-guidewire tech- nique in 17 patients (12%), and precutting in four patients (3%) was successful. In the post-ERCP NM group, cannu- lation was successful using the wire-loaded or wire-guided technique in 122 patients (82%), the double-guidewire tech- nique in 15 patients (10%), and precutting in five patients (3%). The rate of successful cannulation of the target duct was 94% in the pre-ERCP NM group and 96% in the post- ERCP NM group, and 96 (67%) patients received treatment for duodenal papilla in the pre-ERCP NM group compared with 89 patients (60%) in the post-ERCP NM group. There was no statistically significant difference in the outcomes of ERCP between the groups. PEP outcomes are shown in Table 3. Overall, PEP occurred in 40 of 441 patients (9%), including 15 patients (10%) in the non-NM group. Among these, the severity was considered mild, moderate, and severe in 10 (7%), four (3%), and one (1%) patient, respectively. In comparison, PEP occurred in 25 patients (9%) in the NM group, among whom the severity was mild, moderate, and severe in 16 (5%), six (2%), and three (1%) patients, respectively. There was no difference in the incidence of PEP between the groups, and no evidence for a prophylactic effect of NM against PEP. Further breakdown of the NM group revealed that PEP occurred in 17 patients (12%) in the pre-ERCP NM group, among whom the severity was mild, moderate, and severe in 10 (7%), five (3%), and two (1%) patients, respectively. In comparison, PEP occurred in eight patients (5%) in the post-ERCP NM group, among whom the severity was mild, moderate, and severe in six (4%), one (1%), and one (1%) patient, respectively. Considering all grades of severity, the incidence of PEP tended to be higher in the pre-ERCP NM group than in the post-ERCP NM group (p = 0.06); however, there was no significant difference when only severe cases were compared (p = 0.62). Among those who developed severe PEP, three patients received continuous regional arte- rial infusion of concomitant NM and antibiotics. PEP was resolved in all patients, and no deaths were reported during the study period. Overall, 355 patients (80%) were considered at high risk for PEP and 86 patients (20%) at low risk. NM showed no prophylactic efficacy against PEP in the high-risk group (p = 1.00). Conversely, the incidence of PEP tended to be lower in the NM group among low-risk patients, though the difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.10) (Table 4). The risk factors for PEP were analyzed (Table 5) based on those defined in the ESGE Guideline [15]. Univariate analy- sis identified pancreatic injection (p < 0.01), double-guide- wire technique (p = 0.01), and difficult cannulation (p = 0.01) as significant risk factors for PEP. Multivariate analysis identified pancreatic injection (odds ratio [OR]: 3.05, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.41–6.61, p < 0.01) and the double- guidewire technique (OR 2.56, 95% CI 1.11–5.88, p = 0.03) as independent risk factors for PEP.NM-related adverse events of hyperkalemia occurred in two patients (0.7%) in the NM group, and all events resolved with conservative treatment. Discussion Activation of pancreatic enzymes may be involved in the onset and progression of acute pancreatitis, and protease inhibitors are administered intravenously to inhibit this activation and prevent progression to pancreatitis. NM is a low molecular weight protease inhibitor that inhibits serine proteases, such as trypsin, kallikrein, C1r and C1s, thrombin, and plasmin [16]. Notably, NM has been shown to reduce the incidence of complications [17] and mortality [18–20] in patients with severe acute pancreatitis. Reports have also shown that continuous regional arterial infusion with concomitant NM and antibiotics effectively reduces the rate of pancreatic infection and mortality in patients with severe acute pancreatitis [21–23]. To date, three RCTs have reported the prophylactic efficacy of NM against PEP [8, 10, 11]. All three trials were conducted in a single center in the Republic of Korea, and NM treatment was initiated before ERCP. These trials reported that NM provides prophylaxis against PEP in low-risk patients. However, Park et al. [11] found no prophylactic effect with 20 or 50 mg NM on the incidence of PEP. Kim et al. [24] examined the prophylactic efficacy of 20 mg NM against PEP when dosed continuously for 24 and 6 h but found no difference in the incidence of PEP (2.8 vs 2.1%, p = 0.744). To our knowledge, the present study is the first multicenter prospective RCT to evaluate the prophylactic efficacy of NM against PEP and examine whether prophylactic efficacy is affected by the timing of NM initiation (before ERCP vs after ERCP). We found no evidence for a prophylactic effect of NM against PEP, regardless of the timing of NM administration. The effect of the timing of treatment initiation on prophylactic effi- cacy has been investigated for other protease inhibitors. For example, Manes et al. [7] examined how the timing of treat- ment affected the prophylactic efficacy of gabexate mesylate against PEP in a multicenter study and found no significant difference in efficacy when NM was initiated before or after ERCP. Similar studies have investigated the use of nonsteroi- dal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and meta-analyses have concluded that NSAIDs are effective regardless of when they are administered during ERCP [25–27]. In the present study, continuous intravenous infusion of NM began before ERCP and continued during ERCP. We expected NM to reach effective blood concentrations during ERCP when pancreatic enzymes are activated. The response from the patients in the pre-ERCP NM group was compared with that from the post-ERCP NM group; however, the prophylactic efficacy of NM against PEP in the pre-ERCP group was not superior to that in the post-ERCP group. In a post hoc sub-analysis, the incidence of PEP in low-risk patients was lower in those who received NM than in those who did not receive NM; however, the difference was not statistically significant. These findings may be explained by the sample size being smaller than planned and the low proportion of low-risk patients (20%) compared with previ- ous reports, which have demonstrated the prophylactic effi- cacy of NM against PEP among low-risk patients (60.7% [8], 56.3% [10], and 40.2% [11]). Thus, it is possible that the patient characteristics and ERCP procedures performed in this study differed from those in previous studies; therefore, the prophylactic efficacy of NM against PEP among low-risk patients requires re-evaluation in a large-scale study. This study had several limitations. First, the target sample size of 800 patients was not reached. Reports published since the late 2000s have indicated an inhibitory effect of NSAIDs on the onset of PEP [26–29]. Then, in 2015, the “Japanese guidelines for the management of acute pancreatitis: Japa- nese Guidelines 2015” were published [30], which recom- mend the rectal administration of NSAIDs for the prevention of PEP in all non-contraindicated patients. We believe that this may explain why it became difficult to obtain consent from patients during the second half of the study. Second, although this study compared the timing of NM administra- tion between pre-ERCP NM and post-ERCP NM groups, the pharmacological parameters related to NM were not examined. Moreover, although “pancreatic guidewire pas- sages > 1” is one of the seven risk factors for PEP in the ESGE Guideline [15], it was replaced in the present study with “double-guidewire technique.” The ESGE Guideline also states that the “…patients should be considered to be at high risk for post-ERCP pancreatitis when at least one definite or two likely patient-related or procedure-related risk factors are present.” However, owing to lack of data, five of the likely risk factors (nondilated extrahepatic bile duct, absence of chronic pancreatitis, normal serum biliru- bin, end-stage renal disease, and failure to clear bile duct stones) could not be used to stratify risk (high or low) or be included in a statistical analysis of PEP risk factors. Never- theless, the risk factors for PEP extracted from the available data are acceptable.

In conclusion, in this multicenter RCT, NM demonstrated no prophylactic efficacy against PEP. However, it is nec- essary to re-evaluate the prophylactic efficacy of NM in patients with low risk for PEP in a larger study. Addition- ally, commencing NM before or after ERCP did not affect the prophylactic efficacy of NM against PEP.

Compliance with Ethical Standards

Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. Human and animal rights statement All procedures performed in stud- ies involving human participants were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards.Informed consent Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants included in the study.


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